Area Codes in Japan :

Phone numbers in Japan
are preceded by the +81 country code for Japan if you call from outside the country (international)
or 0 if you call from inside the country (national)
(+81 is part of World Telecom Zone +8 North Asia)

followed by

a 1-5 digit area code,
a 4-8 digit subscriber number

Japan has an closed phonesystem
Numbers are always 9 digits long
+81 xxx xxx xxx

while larger cities have a shorter area code and a longer subscriber number
smaller cities have a longer area code and a shorter subscriber number
a number in Tokyo +81 3-xx xxx xxx
a number in Atsumi +81 53145 xxxx

Mobil numbers in Japan
+81 9

Area Codes for main cities

Tokyo +81 3

Akita +81 96
Aomori +81 177
Asahikawa +81 166
Chiba +81 43
Choshi +81 43
Fukuoka +81 92
Funabashi +81 47
Gifu +81 58
Hachioji +81 42
Hakodate +81 138
Himeji +81 79
Hiroshima +81 82
Ichikawa +81 47
Kagoshima +81 99
Kanazawa +81 76
Kasugai +81 568
Kawaguchi +81 482
Kawasaki +81 44
Kishiwada +81 724
Kitakyushu +81 93
Kobe +81 78
Kofu +81 552
Kumamoto +81 96
Kurashiki +81 86
Kure +81 823
Kurume +81 942
Kyoto +81 75
Machida +81 427
Matsudo +81 47
Matsumoto +81 263
Matsuyama +81 89
Mito +81 292
Miyazaki +81 985
Morioka +81 196
Nagano +81 262
Nagaoka +81 258
Nagasaki +81 95
Nagoya +81 52
Naha +81 98
Niigata +81 25
Ogaki +81 584
Okayama +81 862
Okazaki +81 564
Okinawa +81 98
Omiya +81 48
Omuta +81 9445
Osaka +81 66
Sakai +81 72
Sapporo +81 11
Sasebo +81 956
Sendai +81 22
Shimonoseki +81 832
Shizuoka +81 54
Takamatsu +81 878
Takaoka +81 766
Tokyo +81 3
Toyama +81 764
Toyonaka +81 6
Toyota +81 565
Tsu +81 592
Ube +81 836
Uji +81 774
Utsunomiya +81 28
Wakayama +81 73
Yamaguchi +81 839
Yao +81 729
Yokkaichi +81 748

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